About Us
Our Vision & Values
Our vision is to continue to care for our patients and our community by creating a sustainable provider of modern general practice. We are committed to Living Life Better for and on behalf of our patients, our colleagues and the communities we serve.
Three values are at the core of who we are and how we act: courage, creativity and commitment.
Courage is a fundamental requirement in a rapidly changing world and healthcare provision landscape. We are committed to having the “courage of our convictions” to face challenge and make difficult decisions from complex choices to discharge our service to ours patients. Courage is a starting point for remarkable and effective action.
Commitment. Everything we do is based on relationships. Relationships are underpinned by commitment. We are committed to providing the very best of ourselves and our expertise to deliver the highest quality of service to our patients, our colleagues and to the wider community.
Creativity. Our responsibility is to always look for, create and deliver new and better service, to our patients, to our colleagues and to our communities. In a world of constant and rapid change, there is an increasing imperative for us to be creative in finding new solutions to new problems. It is in the application of our creativity, combined with our professional knowledge and experience, that PartnersHealth will demonstrate its value in the provision of healthcare.
Strategic Objectives
We recognise that we are stronger together and that in forming PartnersHealth, Rushcliffe general practice has a unique opportunity to be at the forefront of shaping and transforming the local healthcare system.
Our strategic objectives are that:
We will care for the individual, treating patients as partners, and serve our community by doing what is right
We will balance the benefits of small and local organisations with the opportunities of scale and capacity that collaboration afford us to improve quality and deliver a wider range of services
We will work in effective partnership with other organisations to develop new models of care that improve resilience and outcomes.
The outcomes of these objectives will be:
The development of a sustainable platform for general practice in Rushcliffe
Delivery of high quality NHS healthcare for the Rushcliffe population
Enhanced patient outcomes.
Working with colleagues to develop healthcare in Rushcliffe as part of the Primary Care Network (Rushcliffe PCN)
Gamston Medical Centre
Gamston Medical Centre was founded in 1994 and has been serving patients in the surrounding area ever since. The GP Principal, Dr Linda Kandola, established the practice and, with her loyal practice team, has supported her patients with great skill and dedication for more than 26 years.
From April 2020, Dr Kandola will step back from her role as a GP Partner, but will continue to work 3 days a week at the practice. For several months, PartnersHealth, an organisation formed by Rushcliffe GPs, has been supporting the practice, and will now take over its running. PartnersHealth was established in 2015, and has been assisting local GPs, setting up new services for patients, and working with local NHS partners ever since. Dr Neil Fraser, a local GP for 13 years, will become the Clinical Lead.
As patients, you will notice little difference, as we will continue to maintain the high standards and levels of service you have been used to. We are very proud of how well the practice team has adapted to the changes during a health crisis, and we are also very grateful for the support and co-operation of our patients.
For more information please visit our website - www.gamstonmedicalcentre.co.uk

Meet The Team

Suzy Lyon
Managing Director

Dr. Matt Jelpke
GP Lead and Chair of Directors

Nikki Lucas
Operations Manager

Paula Baker
Finance and Corporporate Governance Manager

Anna Kirk
PCN Service Manager

Liz Harris
PCN Clinical Development Lead

Morgan Sharpe
Social Prescribing Team Leader
I have a BSc Nutrition Exercise Health. I have worked in health improvement for over 15 years, my passion is supporting people to live their best lives

Dr Nigel Cartwright
Orchard Surgery - GP Partner
PartnersHealth Director

Louise Szypryt
Covid Vaccination Manager

Charlotte Miller
PCN Team Leader

Simon Tidman
HR Manager

Paula Brown
HR Administrator

Jason Gomez
Digital Transformation Specialist